Saturday, September 29, 2012

Turkey Bacon & Goat Cheese Frittata

I have recently gotten into the habit of not scrambling my eggs. Instead, I have begun making frittatas, which means I cook the bottom of the eggs until set in the pan, top them with whatever yummy stuff I have on-hand, and stick the whole thing under the broiler until puffy and golden. Perhaps it is a sign that I am getting more and more lazy by the day and can't even be bothered to stir my eggs in a hot pan, but I prefer to think that I've made my egg-making routine even easier. I have got nothing against scrambled eggs, and I definitely love a good over-easy egg, but when I started making frittatas a few weeks ago I realized that I may have a new favorite egg-cooking method. 

Basically, as any egg recipe will tell you, eggs will go with just about any flavor. This frittata has crispy turkey bacon and goat cheese in it. I also really like the combination of cooked chorizo, cheddar cheese, and green onion if I want something spicy. Basil pesto, grape tomatoes, and parmesan cheese are also awesome in place of the other ingredients! 

I could easily call this frittata a whatever-you've-got-in-the-fridge frittata. Add whatever flavors you like. 

One thing I quickly realized is that you have to have all of your ingredients lined up and ready to go and the broiler already preheated when you start cooking the eggs. So as you're crisping the bacon in the pan, have your whisked eggs and crumbled goat cheese on hand. The point is that this recipe is quick and simple, so making it more streamlined means you get to eat sooner! This recipe serves one person, but it can be doubled as long as the pan allows the eggs to puff up without boiling over the edges. 

Finally, don't be afraid to serve your frittatas for lunch or dinner! I have made this for dinner on many occasions because it is so quick and filling. Happy eating! 

Turkey Bacon & Goat Cheese Frittata
serves 1 hungry person

*make sure your frying pan does NOT have a plastic handle, as it could melt in the oven :( 

2 strips turkey bacon, chopped 
1 teaspoon butter
2 eggs, whisked & seasoned with salt and pepper
2 tablespoons crumbled goat cheese

Preheat the broiler. In a small frying pan (I use a small cast-iron skillet), cook the chopped bacon over medium heat until crispy. Add the butter and stir the bacon until the butter coats the pan. Pour the whisked eggs into the skillet, making sure the bacon is evenly distributed, and top with the crumbled goat cheese. Place the pan at least 5 inches away from the broiler and cook the eggs are puffy and golden and no longer jiggly in the middle. Remove the pan from the oven, and with the help of a spatula, slide the frittata onto a plate. Serve immediately. 

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